Add every Ubuntu desktop wallpaper ever to ubermix 2.0

Posted by ubermix On Saturday, June 21, 2014 0 comments
Ubuntu has always shipped with a great collection of desktop wallpaper images, selected via a wallpaper contest prior to each release. In the past, installing wallpapers from a prior version required a bit of work, but with ubermix 2.0 you can now install every wallpaper (all 177 of them) from every version with one simple command. If you would like to check them all out on your ubermix machine, simply do the following:
  1. Open a terminal by selecting "Terminal" from "Activities:Accessories" or pressing ctrl-alt-t on your keyboard
  2. Type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-wallpapers*" (no quotes) and press the enter key.
(Note: you must be connected to the Internet for this to work.)

Once complete, close the terminal window, right click anywhere on the desktop, and choose "Change Desktop Background" to see all of your new choices.

Just a few samples are below. Enjoy!


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