Evernote on ubermix with Everpad

Posted by ubermix On Thursday, January 10, 2013 0 comments
Evernote is an awesome note service that makes it easy to remember things big and small, with an awesome web client and apps available for just about every kind of device. Everything you save to Evernote is stored in the cloud and the service keeps all of your devices in sync automagically, so your notes are always up-to-date and available to you, no matter where you are.

While the web client is an awesome option on ubermix, an even better experience can be had with the new Evernote client: Everpad. Everpad offers easy access to your notes/clips/checklists/etc from within any application and - best of all - it works offline, syncing up with the Evernote servers the next time your device gets connected.

Setting up Everpad on ubermix is easy. First, open a terminal (either by selecting "Terminal" from the "Accessories" category or pressing ctrl-alt-t) and enter the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jklein/ubermix
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install everpad
 Once installed, you will find a new "Everpad" icon under the "Internet" category.

Click on "Everpad" and you will notice that a new Evernote "elephant" indicator appears in the top right status area. Click on the elephant indicator to bring up the options menu, and choose "Settings and Management".

From here, we'll select "Authorisation" (the European spelling) and either enter our Evernote credentials, or create an account. Once authorized, you might also want to check the "Start with system" checkbox in "Settings and Management" to make sure that Everpad starts automatically when your device is turned on.

Once complete, select "Please perform your first sync" from the Everpad indicator, and your notes will sync in and the app will be ready to use. You'll notice that your 10 most recent notes automatically appear under the indicator, making quick access while working on a project even easier. Choose "All Notes" to see all of your notes/notebooks, and "Create Note" to create a note from within any ubermix application

Access it from anywhere to create and edit notes, clips, and checklists. The app even supports drag-and-drop of images and text. Enjoy!


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